Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hate me so good you can let me out.

A very brief update: for those of you who know me well, you know I'm kind of a crazy earth-mother type, which is part of the reason I've loved Europe so much. The environment around me is SO spectacular. And I feel a deep connection with the earth. Well, if you have read my last post, you know I'm dealing with a ton of pain and anger right now, more than I have ever felt in my life. It kind of culminated for me today, kind of really and truly officially finalized to the point where there is nothing I can do but try to move forward. As if mother earth knew of all of this, there is now a raging, spectacular, furious and beautiful thunderstorm outside. The great streaks of lightning flash through the sky and split the mountains, but the mountains remain, strong and steady and hurt but surviving. And I can tell, as the wind picks up and with the fury of it all, the rain will come and wash everything clean and the earth will be reborn, just like me. It just started in great huge waves that invite me to let it all out with them. There are little drops that sting, and softer drops that come in, steady and steady and steady. There is pain in a thunderstorm, and devestation, and despair, but there is also excitement and there is promise and there is rebirth. I look to this storm, and the ones that are expected to come for the next few days, to represent me, and my own slow and steady and violent and painful and exciting recovery.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, that could be the most consecutive lines of bullshit I've ever read in my life.