Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Things I Forget To Mention In The Last Post

1. I *love* the food here. Expect me to come back 2 sizes larger and loving every extra calorie.
2. The tram system is amazing here - in fact, the whole city is so wonderfully "green." I'm bringing back as much knowledge as possible!
3. The dollar is FAILING, and I am suffering for this. Boo. Still, I honestly haven't bought anything "fun" outside of the food (see #1), so there isn't much I can do. Tomorrow, I have to put down almost 200 Euro for school stuff, and then the next day I'll pay my first rent, which is about 460 Euro the first time. Yikes. At least, after the first time, rent is only 200-something. Still. . .I want some "fun" money!!!!
4. I love all of the people I've met so far, and also really appreciated the people I already know. Friendly faces are always a good thing.

I wanted to post a lot more earlier, but I have an EARLY morning tomorrow, so I'll update a real update later. Tschuss, meine Liebe!

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