Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Picture post!

Muenster!! So beautiful. The Virgin Mary is one of my favorite religious figures, so there are a lot of depictions of her here.
The main crucifix area behind the priest's altar.
Randomly out of order: My kitchen!!! Most of this stuff belongs to my roommates, seeing as I haven't been here that long:-P
More kitchen! So pretty:)
Back to the Muenster.
This was my favorite spot in the entire church. It's a super-intricate (which you can't tell quite as well from my flashed-picture) altar to the Virgin Mary, and I donated some money and lit one of the candles, like I said in my post. This was a really moving area for me.
One of the paintings (small) at one of the numerous confessionals. I could have taken a million pictures here, EVERYTHING was intricate.

My room!! I have drei Teppiche (three rugs) now, so it looks way more homey. Also I have my Cactii:)
Book shelf!
The view out of my large window. I love how colorful my neighborhood is!!

I also really love the view out of my tiny window, but the day I took pictures it was really foggy, so I will wait until it clears up and then I'll take some more. I can see the Black Forest all around, it's great:)

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